I'm Nathan Metcalf.

I'm a Wimmera based network administrator, rock climber and general nerd. Building and repairing electronics and computer systems around the Wimmera.

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About Me

I am an active and avid Linux user who enjoys solving real world problems with open-source software. I love anything technical and have to know how eveything works. Outside of computers I enjoy building electronic devices, building/rebuilding cars, any outdoor activity (rock climbing, hiking, 4x4 driving, camping) and catching up with friends. My current major hobby is building home automation systems. I am a friendly, outgoing and ambitious person that loves a challenge and learning anything I can get my hands on.

Contact Details

Nathan Metcalf
0408 621 398
Telegram Messenger


As a Network Administrator/Linux Engineer with over 12 years’ experience in mixed environments, I have worked with several flavors of Linux and Windows, in many different situations. With a dedication to customer satisfaction, I always seek to employ the best solution for each situation.

  • Network Administration
  • Linux Administration
  • Windows Administration
  • Electronic Repairs
  • Arduino
  • Home Automation
  • General Programming
  • Troubleshooting


Secondary College in Horsham

Network Administrator March 2019 - Present

As Network Administrator, my role is to provide reliable and stable ICT systems for all staff and students. When I started at this school their network was flat, had little security or segregation and was not maintainable or scalable. I have implemented 802.x Network Authentication, VLAN Segregation, 3CX VOIP, VMWare host redundancy and solid backup solutions.


Owner/Operator March 2018 - March 2019

NDM.Guru is my personal consulting business. When I moved to the Wimmera, I noticed a severe knowledge gap between farmers and technology. NDM.Guru bridges this gap. One of my favourite projects from NDM.Guru was building a microcontroller solution to replace a irrepairable gearbox controller in an articulated CASE tractor. The customer was unable to source a replacement, I saved the day within a week with little hardware cost and minimal downtime. NDM.Guru allows me to explore my programing and troubleshooting skills in a practicle and profitable manner. From rebuilding control systems for farming equipment to building custom drag strip lights for racing motorbikes. I love the practical challanges NDM.Guru provides me.

Electronics Store in Horsham

Workshop Engineer January 2016 - March 2018

As Workshop engineer I provided phone and computer repairs, board level electronics repair. This position allowed me to find my feet in the Wimmera community and start NDM.Guru

ICT Consultancy Firm

Linux Consultant March 2014 - December 2016

I provided Linux consultancy and helped migrate from older Sendmail base mail relays to Microsoft Exchange. I also provided consultancy to a previous employer to help provide tertiary support to their proprietary Linux based service delivery system.

Fast-moving consumer goods

Network Support March 2014 - December 2015

I Designed and wrote a web based CRM tailored for <FMCG>. This provided timely updates from field representatives to product managers and removed several paper based processes. Additionally I provided 1st and 2nd level Network and desktop support.

Electronics Service Provider

Senior Linux Administrator March 2012 - December 2014

<Electronics_Service_Provider> utilised a proprietary service delivery system to manage their service technicians and contracts. This system was delivered by a co-location Linux LAMP stack that was maintained by myself. This application required 99% uptime and as such was supported by a BGP based co-location master/slave configuration between two local and interstate datacenters. This provided adequate failover and network redundancy. This service was coordinated by custom BASH scripts and processes written and maintained by myself. As their Seniour Linux Administrator, I was primarily responsible for everything Linux - Code promotions, Linux routers, LAMP, mysql databases, hardware and software diagnosis and support.

Local Newspaper Company

Network Administrator August 2010 - March 2012

As Network Administrator for <local_newspaper> I supported over 150 remote users and provided level 1-3 helpdesk support for their LAN and WAN infrastructure.

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